Thursday, April 9, 2015

Paraphrasing Activity

“The air conditioner was not working, and the temperature inside was 100 degrees. A mechanic heard whimpering and discovered that 1.50 purebred puppies constituted the vehicle's cargo. Four were dead; the survivors, traumatized and suffering from heat exhaustion, could barely hold up their heads”

(Sacks, Pamela. "Puppy Mills: Misery FOR Sale." Animals 133.5 (2000): 10. MAS Ultra – School Edition. Web. 2 Apr. 2015.)
1.     A broken air conditioner in a dilapidated van was responsible for a dangerously high temperature of 100 degrees. If it were not for an observant mechanic who heard the puppies whimpering out of agony then they would have continued their journey in the van. 150 puppies 4 of which were dead.

2.     150 puppies, 4 are dead from heat exhaustion. This is the scene a mechanic walked into when he opened the door to a non air-conditioned van carrying puppies from a puppy mill.

3.      While working on an old dilapidated van, a mechanic heard whimpering coming from inside. To his surprise he opened the door up to an unsightly scene: 150 limp puppies, 4 were dead and the ones who were alive were suffering from heat exhaustion.

“The overwhelming smell is always the first to hit you. n2 Next it is the sound; twenty-five to forty wire mesh cages, many containing multiple puppies, line the walls of this Conshohocken, Pennsylvania pet store. The cages have drip pans underneath, which are supposed to allow for easy clean up of waste, but the puppies are still covered in their own excrement and urine.”

Towsey, Melissa. "Something Stinks: The Need for Environmental

Regulation of Puppy Mills." & Library Solutions. Joe Christensen, Inc. with Full

Text. 2010. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

1.     The overwhelming smell of animal feces is the first thing you notice when you enter a puppy mill.  The next is the puppies jammed into wire mesh cages against the walls. There are pans under each cage to catch waste from dogs so that it makes for an easy clean up yet the dogs are still soiled from their own excrement and urine.

2.      You walk in, and the smell smacks you in the face: animal feces. Next, you see where the odor is coming from. Multiple puppies are piled into cages much to small and are soiled with their own excrement and urine because the facilities neglect proper sanitation.

3.     The unpleasant smell of animal excrement and urine is impossible to ignore as you walk into a puppy mill. The poor animals are soiled in their own waste due to improper sanitation.

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